Bridge-Care-Suites-Rehab After Surgery_ Why You Need It

A surgeon’s experience, technique, and knowledge undoubtedly play a vital role in the success of the performance of surgery. Your commitment to rehabilitation and self-care determines if surgery succeeded and improved your health. There are a variety of rehabilitation therapies and professionals to guide you through recovery. The shared goal between you and your therapists is to achieve maximum functioning.

Whether you recover at an inpatient facility, through in-home care, or an outpatient program, consistency is vital. 

It’s difficult to avoid the temptation of inactivity after a surgery – after all, the body needs rest to heal, right? Yes, but in doses. Movement and exercise are just as crucial. The key is balance. Your physical therapist will help you in finding the middle ground.  If you are recovering in an inpatient facility, such as Bridge Care Suites, the medical staff create an individualized schedule and rehabilitation program that will center around this balance. 

Main Benefits To Post-Operative Rehabilitation

Your first rehabilitation therapy session is likely to take place before you are discharged from the hospital or surgical center.

Bearing in mind it is routine to remain at the hospital for a few days post-operative, the facility’s physical, occupational, or speech-language therapist (or a combination of specialists), will visit and assist you with light exercises.

Activities can include alternating heat and ice applications, massage, or the physical therapist gently moving your body to promote the range of motion. You may be encouraged to get out of bed and walk a few steps, or even down the hospital corridor.

This will help your blood flow and circulation, preventing the risk of blood clots.  In addition to assisting you with physical movement, a therapist will provide information on the safest methods to get in and out of your bed, use an assistive device, and direct you on precautions and movements to avoid. 

Once you are discharged from the hospital, it is essential to stick to the post-operative program provided by your surgeon, physician, or therapist.

The program will include attending an outpatient rehabilitation therapy facility, or you may be advised to recover as an inpatient at a short-term rehabilitation facility.

Despite the route chosen, you may need to participate in different types of rehabilitation. Physical therapy and occupational therapy tend to be a package deal. Additionally, you may need to see a speech-language pathologist, a dietician, or a mental health specialist. 

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Benefits Of Participating In Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Physical therapy is perhaps the most frequently utilized form of rehabilitation.

A wide range of treatments falls under the physical therapy specialty. It aims to ease pain and assist you in regaining function and accomplishing daily tasks. A physical therapist does not replace your doctor.

Instead, they work in conjunction with your physician to create a treatment program that is beneficial to your needs. Participating in physical therapy helps you to improve your balance, rebuild strength, reduce pain and swelling and prevent re-injury. 

Occupational therapy is often paired with physical therapy.

The two specialties play off each other as both focus on overall functioning. While physical therapy has a heavy emphasis on pain relief and general recovery and strengthening, occupational therapy works towards relearning and improving fine and gross motor skills and motor planning.

Fine motor skills include writing and using utensils to feed yourself. Other areas of concentration include getting dressed, improving your balance and proprioception, and learning skills that will help you with daily activities. 

Importance Of Mental Health Specialists In Recovery

Typically, mental health services tend to be forgotten on the checklist when making post-operative plans.

For some people, recovery can take a toll on their emotions, affecting their motivation and dedication to completing their recovery program. Learning new ways to do the things you love or basic daily activities can be challenging, mentally and physically. Keeping up with your mental health is just as crucial as your physical health. 

Mental health providers such as social workers are capable of much more than providing therapy.

Many are employed by hospitals or short-stay rehabilitation facilities and take on additional responsibilities such as assisting you in scheduling follow-up appointments. Once you return home, they don’t forget about you.

Social workers will schedule visits with you or phone calls to see how you are doing and if there is anything you require. Many are highly connected within the community and can connect you with community resources that can deliver groceries, bring you to appointments, or provide just about any service you can think of while still recovering.  

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Speech-Language Pathologists Do More Than Help You Speak

Speech-language pathologists help people with a variety of communication and swallowing issues.

The ability to communicate can become muddled after surgeries or illnesses. Communication includes verbal and non-verbal methods of speaking to and being around others.

Difficulty with feeding, such as swallowing, chewing, and sucking, are another common area treated by speech-language pathologists. Problems with any of these can result in several health problems associated with a lack of nutrition and drastic weight loss. 

Role Of A Dietician In Recovery and Beyond 

After surgery, it is common for your doctor to suggest a change in diet.

This change could be temporary or meant for the long term. Altering your diet can become overwhelming, and there’s a lot of contradicting information available about foods. A dietician will work with you to create a meal plan, provide education on your new diet, and mentor you through this change.

Proper nutrition and diet are essential to healing and maintaining your health. A diet that caters to your needs will promote energy and well-being. Your immune system works hard to fight off potential infections and heal your body. A diet that is rich in immune-boosting nutrients is crucial during this time. 

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Bridge Care Suites: The One-Stop-Shop To A Full Recovery After Surgery

Selecting the best method of post-operative rehabilitation care can become exhausting.

There’s a slew of opinions, insurance, names, multiple places, checklists, scheduling, access, etc.; by the time all is said and done, you hope you picked the right choice. Here’s the good news: Bridge Care Suites is devoted to providing its guests a place to focus on their health and healing.

The kind, highly trained medical team has earned Joint Commission Accreditation and prides itself on daily efforts to maintain it. Accreditation signifies the medical care and treatment each guest is provided will meet the highest standards in the United States, ensuring a trustworthy, compassionate, and healing environment for rehabilitation and recovery. 

Bridge Care Suites takes the stress off of trying to juggle recovery after surgery, appointments, and various specialists.

Choosing inpatient rehabilitation at BCS allows you to receive all the care and types of therapy in one place. Bridge Care Suites has a team of physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, dietitians, and social workers, in addition to licensed nursing staff.

Access to medical care is always available, and your specialists remain in continuous contact with your physician or surgeon. This provides ample attention to your health and achieving a successful recovery.

Contact Bridge Care Suites today to begin reserving your post-operative rehabilitation stay.